Monday 19 June 2017

Task 1: Abseil down a high building

As I stood looking up a 30 metre tower in East Grinstead on Saturday, I recalled that this task had been my own idea, so I had only myself to blame:

Being scared of heights, it was a natural choice for the Facing the Fear section.  It just didn't seem such a good idea now it was time to tackle it. Donning the harness, my hands were shaking so much I was struggling to do up the straps:

As I climbed the three flights of steps, I felt literally sick with nerves. The instructor spotted I'd forgotten to double-wrap the two leg straps, while I was at the top of the tower and about to lean over the edge, so that was put right before it did any damage. Luckily, too, a pack of young Brownies arrived at that point, which reinforced my flagging resolve as I thought I really couldn't bail out in front of a little Brownie.

Levi, the instructor, did a great job of explaining exactly what I needed to do and reassuring me. Curiously - and unlike some of the others, who were mostly there because they actually wanted to do it - I wasn't at all bothered by having to stand with my back to the drop, with my heels hanging over the edge:

What I was much less keen on was having to lean right out and down, until I was in an L-shape with my heels flat on the vertical surface of the tower:

There was nothing for it but to start "walking" down, trying to maintain that shape:

It wasn't going too badly until about a third of the way from the ground, when I slipped and lost my footing:

From then on, it was decidedly inelegant but I made it down safely and tottered to the bench, knowing I'd have to do it at least once more:

Gradually, as the other ten or so in the group either did their first descent or abseiled down for the second time, I relaxed and savoured the thought that whatever happened, I had already accomplished this challenge.  By the time it was my go, I ascended the steps almost looking forward to it. Levi was very surprised when he saw me striding cheerfully towards him. It then nearly all went pear-shaped, as I walked briskly to the side of the tower and stood with my heels hanging over the edge - completely forgetting that I wasn't yet attached to any of the ropes. One more step and I've have plunged to the ground, with nothing to break my fall. Fortunately Levi stopped me in time and I descended safely and with a lot more confidence than before. Peter captured the descent on video, though not the huge smile as I rejoined the bench:

I was almost disappointed when Levi announced we'd now run out of time and none of us would have the chance to go down a third time. Maybe that was just as well, as I think I'd have been tempted to take up the option of doing it blindfold. Or maybe not....  

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